Wednesday, February 12, 2020

reading 2, start of a new semester

Im not going to lie I found this very confusing and I had to keep reading back through it and make sure that I was actually doing the right thing 🤣

I hope in the end I got it right? This time around we are building up to producing a book, the the two topics that I chose are:

  • what is game balancing?
  • managing difficulty 

I started off with just looking up the basics and looking up 'game balancing' and 'how to manage difficulty in relation to gaming' and just had a look around myself to see what I got and it definitely made it a bit easier for me.

The best term that I got for game balancing was ' Game balance is a video game design concept where the strengths of a character or a particular strategy are offset by a proportional drawback in another area to prevent domination of one character or gaming approach' 

Im glad that I chose these two topics as they are very relevant to gaming. I already have done out my matrix structure and it has definitely helped me out a lot.

Keywords that helped me with my research:
  1. balance
  2. gaming
  3. equal
  4. testing
  5. strengths
  6. weaknesses
  7. limitation
  8. management
  9. planning
  10. domination
I hope that I done this correct and if not all I can do is work from it!

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