Sunday, September 29, 2019


Technology tools and course websites

A lot of the tools listen on the websites are tools that I have never used before or heard of but I am excited to start using them and playing around with it.

Like I said before in my previous blog post I really like that we are all blogging, I think its a very good way of getting your work done and researching into other projects. It's good that we can look at each others blogs and read them as it can help us all to improve ours and see what other people have to say. It is good because your not told how many pages you need or what the font should be, so it lets you take your own personal spin on it.

I use pinterest myself to use images for my blog, I find it a useful tool because you can pin your posts so that they are all stored somewhere safe. Its a good tool because its very creative and you get to see a bit of everything.

I would usually just use my phone to edit photographs and then upload it to my laptop but I am excited to try both Mac Preview and Chromebook image editor because I have never used these before and I am always looking for new cool things to design and edit my picture with.

I have used canvas before for creating my own graphics but I have never heard about the rest but I will definitely look into them because I love finding new websites and apps to use.

                                                  40+ iPad Apps to Help You in Your Teaching


My first impressions

Reading over the class tasks I like it a lot as it is such a different approach to a module and we have never had anything like it before. When I found out that we would be writing a blog throughout this module I was really excited as it is right up my street. It's nice to do a blog as you can write anything  you want because it is all about your own experiences and opinions. I like that you can put your own spin on it and choose your theme, font and put in your own images. I want my blog to be easy to read and pretty lol.

I think that the extra credit options are great because they are all quite different and you can pick and choose your own topics that you want to research more into. 
Growth Mindset stood out to me and I looked into it more and the links on the website and I found it very interesting(as I explained in my growth mindset blog)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck studies human motivation, she looks into why people succeed or don't succeed and what we can do to foster success.
Her research looks into the origins of different mindsets, their role in motivation and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes.

         Image result for carol dweck

The first bit of research that I got about growth mindset was from the first video that was linked on the website 'The power of believing that you can improve'

I immediately got drawn into what Carol said about the school in Chicago where if students failed there courses they got the grade NY (not yet) I thought that this was really good as it doesn't straight up say that you have failed but it gives you hope into the future as you are still on a learning curve and haven't been told that you can not carry on.

She speaks about praising wisely, not the talent of people as it has failed, it is better to praise people on their process and their intelligence rather. This is very true because when you are young your always rewarded and treated if you pass your spelling test or do well in your yearly exam, but yet never praised for studying and trying hard despite the end result.

From researching into Carol Dweck and her theories, I totally agree with everything that she says about rewarding children on their effort and not always on their outcome. I would say that I struggled a bit in school with certain subjects such as Maths and although some students weren't as well academically, all of the students at the end of the day are lumped into the one class where everyone is showing their grades and what they got, and for the few people who didn't do as well it is hard for them to feel that they did well when others got 90-100%

Before writing this blog post about Carol Dweck and researching about her and what she does I had never heard of her before. I am glad that I did because I feel that it has definitely changed my perspective on work and the outcome of your grades etc. I think that she is right when she says that children should not just be rewarded if they got an A or a B but despite the grade, the work and time that they put into it.
            Growth Mindset: What Can I Say to Myself?

Thanks for reading :)) -KT x 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

introduction to a legend; me :)

A bit about me 

My name is Katie Persson, I live in Clane Co.Kildare. 

I was born in Sweden, hence the weird second name 🤣 

No photo description available.      Image may contain: one or more people, child and close-up

My dad is from Sweden and my mam is from Dublin. They moved to Sweden in 1997 and had me in 2000. My first language was Swedish and I spent 5 years over there and moved to Ireland in 2005. I have three sisters Maggie(16) and Rebecca(12). Maggie was also born in Sweden but only lived there for a year. We go over to Sweden 2/3 times a year, usually during the Summer and Christmas time.
               The Swedish side
                   my dad    my granny   my auntie
                            Image may contain: 6 people, including Jonas Persson, Charlotta Persson and Katie Persson, people smiling, sky and outdoor
          maggie    rebecca      me 

                           Image may contain: sky, table, tree, night and outdoor
  This is Sweden during the winter in Ystad

When I moved over to Ireland I first moved to Stillorgan in Dublin for 3-4 years, then we moved into Maynooth for a year and ever since I have been living in Clane. I done junior and senior infants in Dublin and then 1st class to 6th year in Clane primary/secondary.

I have been with my boyfriend Shane for 3.5 years now, we were in the same tutor from 1-3 year. He lives in Clane too which is handy and we recently went over to Rotterdam for a month.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Katie Persson and Simona Barauska, people smiling, indoor

I really enjoy Creative Digital Media, I feel like it is really suited to me. My favorite part about the course is learning about how to edit videos through premiere pro and photography. 
I also really enjoy making this blog, when I was younger, maybe like 13/14 my mam made me a website called (original) and I would just write about my day haha. Its gone now so don't try to look it up hahahah.

My mam got diagnosed with breast cancer when I was two weeks into first year, I was only 12/13 at the time but she dealt with it with a positive attitude which made it a lot easier for us all. She started up here own blog called 'kicking the shite out of cancer' where she talks about her experience with cancer, having cancer and working, telling the kids and how to look out for breast cancer etc. She really took her cancer and put a positive spin on it. She decided to start a 'strip and dip', where women of any age and size run into to sea naked to raise money for Aoibheann's Pink Tie. In total over the 6 years they have raised 870,000 euro for the charity. Last year she got into the Guiness World Book Of Records for the worlds largest skinny dip. 2505 women smashed the record and ran into the sea and raised 508,000 euro.
No photo description available.

They were also on Ireland's got Talent as 'sea of change' 80 woman all got the golden buzzer the first time they sang.
                    Image result for sea of change

That's it really I dont think I have anything else to say.

Thanks for reading :)) x - KT

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Workshop 1

This topic is not new to me as I am studying for my theory test at the moment and I am learning all about the basics of driving such as checking your mirrors, the signs of the road, the traffic lights, when to slow down etc. This isn't new to me as the other day I was only studying about the lights and how all of the roads around works in relation to the lights.

Image result for traffic light

I feel like from a very young age, from walking with your parents and them telling you to wait for the 'green man' to being in the car with them, you just naturally pick up when to stop, when to wait a while and when to go. 

Well I know myself that I just picked up up along the way from being in the car with my mam or dad driving around around. Even in school when your young you learn that red is stop, green is go etc.

I remember being very young and going into Dublin with my granny and grandad and them always saying 'wait for the green man' when we would cross the road, I also remember being like who the f*** is the green man?!?!🤣 Small ways like this is how I kind of knew myself how the road works and the traffic lights etc.

I felt that the way this assignment was delivered was very different and cool but I also really enjoyed it because I like to work in groups because I feel that you learn more and can almost bounce ideas off each other. I enjoyed listening to what everyone else had to say about this mini task and get a bit of insight into what others think about it.

All in all this mini task was very different to what we usually do but saying that I did enjoy it.

Thanks for reading :)) - KT

My favourite game

Hello, today I am going to be talking about my favourite game which is Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo DS.
There are sooo many different games to play for Mario. You have Mario VS Donkey Kong, Super Princess Peach, Super Mario 64(old)and so many more. That's why I love it so much because not only can you do the basics, there is also Mario Kart which is another version of Super Mario but this time your not hopping all over the place you compete with other people in a car race.

Image result for mario bros

I gave my Nintendo DS to one of the kids that I used to mind for Christmas because I never used it anymore. Now I regret it because 1) I can't afford to fork out for a new one and 2) I don't even know if they sell them anymore 🤣

It's not just on the Nintendo that you can play Mario, you can also play it on:

Nintendo Switch: Image result for mario games wii

The WII:
Image result for mario games on wii
Image result for mario games

We weren't much of a 'gamer family', theres 3 girls in the family so their was never any Play Stations or Xbox's in the house. I got my Nintendo DS for Christmas when I was younger and it came with Super Mario Bros, in the game their was also small little games that came with it such as puzzles etc.

Whenever I would go over to my auntie and uncles house (they have three boys) I would beg them to play Mario Kart on the WII as I thought it was like real life lol. 

Thanks for reading :))x -K