Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Workshop 1

This topic is not new to me as I am studying for my theory test at the moment and I am learning all about the basics of driving such as checking your mirrors, the signs of the road, the traffic lights, when to slow down etc. This isn't new to me as the other day I was only studying about the lights and how all of the roads around works in relation to the lights.

Image result for traffic light

I feel like from a very young age, from walking with your parents and them telling you to wait for the 'green man' to being in the car with them, you just naturally pick up when to stop, when to wait a while and when to go. 

Well I know myself that I just picked up up along the way from being in the car with my mam or dad driving around around. Even in school when your young you learn that red is stop, green is go etc.

I remember being very young and going into Dublin with my granny and grandad and them always saying 'wait for the green man' when we would cross the road, I also remember being like who the f*** is the green man?!?!🤣 Small ways like this is how I kind of knew myself how the road works and the traffic lights etc.

I felt that the way this assignment was delivered was very different and cool but I also really enjoyed it because I like to work in groups because I feel that you learn more and can almost bounce ideas off each other. I enjoyed listening to what everyone else had to say about this mini task and get a bit of insight into what others think about it.

All in all this mini task was very different to what we usually do but saying that I did enjoy it.

Thanks for reading :)) - KT

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