Saturday, September 28, 2019

Growth Mindset

Carol Dweck

Carol Dweck studies human motivation, she looks into why people succeed or don't succeed and what we can do to foster success.
Her research looks into the origins of different mindsets, their role in motivation and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes.

         Image result for carol dweck

The first bit of research that I got about growth mindset was from the first video that was linked on the website 'The power of believing that you can improve'

I immediately got drawn into what Carol said about the school in Chicago where if students failed there courses they got the grade NY (not yet) I thought that this was really good as it doesn't straight up say that you have failed but it gives you hope into the future as you are still on a learning curve and haven't been told that you can not carry on.

She speaks about praising wisely, not the talent of people as it has failed, it is better to praise people on their process and their intelligence rather. This is very true because when you are young your always rewarded and treated if you pass your spelling test or do well in your yearly exam, but yet never praised for studying and trying hard despite the end result.

From researching into Carol Dweck and her theories, I totally agree with everything that she says about rewarding children on their effort and not always on their outcome. I would say that I struggled a bit in school with certain subjects such as Maths and although some students weren't as well academically, all of the students at the end of the day are lumped into the one class where everyone is showing their grades and what they got, and for the few people who didn't do as well it is hard for them to feel that they did well when others got 90-100%

Before writing this blog post about Carol Dweck and researching about her and what she does I had never heard of her before. I am glad that I did because I feel that it has definitely changed my perspective on work and the outcome of your grades etc. I think that she is right when she says that children should not just be rewarded if they got an A or a B but despite the grade, the work and time that they put into it.
            Growth Mindset: What Can I Say to Myself?

Thanks for reading :)) -KT x 

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