Wednesday, February 26, 2020

unity tutorial 5

Image result for unity
This weeks tutorial was following on from the one last week. We learned how to spawn the animals a bit last week and following on this week we were shown how to make them spawn without having to press 'S'.
This week we also added in colliders to our prefabs to make it launch a projectile into the animals in order to destroy it. The step by step videos I find are very beneficial, although sometimes they go off tangent a little bit, they definitely make it easy to follow.

The visuals of the game didnt really change that much, it was more so adding a few more bits of C# script to make it spawn, and add colliders etc. Following on from this then it showed us how to make it be 'Game over' when an animal made it past the player, which like I said before is good to know as this can be applied to any certain game.

All in all it was easy to follow which makes it a bit easier for us as were not constantly  messing it up or making mistakes.

The second part was the "Challenge 2" which was kind of building on top of what we had which confused me a bit but when I looked through all of the steps it was super easy to follow and always quite fun!

Just took a close up screen shot of it as you cans see the similarities 

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